Are You Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose?

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What does fulfilling your life's purpose mean? 
For me, I think to create a life that makes you smile in the simplest of moments, is so much more than to have one that appears glamorous on social media. Make choices that make me feel lighter, even when they go against what society has told me what I "should" be doing. 
I try to seek out those that I can admire and inspire me, even though doing this has required starting over, different chapters in my life seem to need a fresh start to actually be a different chapter.

"Each day is a new opportunity to step closer to your true purpose and to live a life filled with passion and meaning."

Here are four ways to recognize when your not fulfilling your true life's purpose: 

1. You have an unsettling, off feeling.

That unshakable feeling that something just isn't right or you feel unfulfilled in what you do is a direct indication that your true purpose is still out there waiting for you to find it.

2. You aren't serving others. 

In serving others we will always find ourselves to be the one most rewarded. It's because we know something we've done goes beyond and is bigger than just ourselves.

3. You are not humble.

Life owes us nothing. In fact, it is us that owe the use of our true passions to life. We owe our talents and interests to make a unique impact in a world that desperately needs the help of each of us.

4. You aren't experiencing joy.

When living in your true purpose, the feelings of joy and worthiness are there effortlessly, even in the most difficult and stressful times.

How do I shift from feeling stuck?

Person in contemplation

1. Accept where you are.

Identifying your fears keeping you in resistance is key. One of the main fears people have is that the situation they are in is unchangeable, which is the feeling of being powerless. To accept powerlessness, actually gives us the power to move forward because we have accepted how things actually are rather than how we wish it was.

2. Identify inner conflicts.

We must trust that every conflict has a creative solution for the highest good. Giving ourselves space to identify and resolve our inner conflicts sets us free from feeling stuck so we can start the momentum of forward movement towards purpose.

3. Question the roles you play.

Often found to be the biggest hurdle keeping us from fulfilling our purpose is our idea of what a “good” partner/ mother/ daughter/ father/ son/ boss/ employee/ entrepreneur is supposed to be. Doing the inner work to get unstuck involves releasing the ideals of what you “should” be and giving yourself permission to create space for who you really are. 

"Your purpose is not something you find, but something you create as you grow and evolve."

Each of us has a unique purpose.

To find your life's purpose, you must chase new experiences, there is so much about life that you just won't know, until you know. Things about yourself, the world, and how you want to spend your time. 

Learn new skills, and develop yourself every chance you get. You will never have a job, lifestyle or calling that only consists of things you love so even getting good at the things you do not necessarily like can prove to be useful. We must push ourselves to do hard things. This is the only way to find who you are and get to where you want to be. Doing this might not be pleasant, but getting to the other side you'll see and appreciate things that much more. When faced with challenges, embrace them. Even if your opinions, views or person is not changed, at least you will stand even more confident in who you are and what you believe in.

From confusion and chaos, we can find and bring out order and meaning. If things are going in a downward spiral, there lies the opportunity to lift things back up to an even higher, more positive level. Be inspired when challenged to find positive possibilities that lead to resolution. Embrace the reality that you have the ability to make a significant, positive impact in this life.

"Fulfillment comes from knowing that your life has a significant and positive impact on others."

If we resolve to bring the “good” into our lives and the lives of those around us, I promise every single situation you find yourself in, will always give you the opportunity to do so. Trust that in doing so will be where you are going to find your greatest sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Our lives are too important to waste even just a moment focused on things we can't do anything about. There is so very much more we can do instead, and so many things we can influence positively. Show love instead of fear, joy instead of worry, and focus on possibilities over resentments. Concentrate your thoughts and efforts on being your best. Visualize life at its best and bring the best to life giving your time and attention only to what is meaningful and holds value for you. 

- peace, love and light ✨ 

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