
Showing posts with the label Articles

How To Create A Secure Attachment Style

Life can be a wild ride, full of ups and downs. But imagine having a secret weapon: a built-in confidence that helps you navigate it all. That's what a secure attachment style feels like. Having a secure attachment style is fundamental to fostering healthy, supportive, and fulfilling relationships. It promotes a sense of well-being and resilience, enabling us to thrive both within our relationships and in our personal lives.  ““Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of  trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success  achieved.” - Hellen Keller Ways to create secure attachment in relationships: Learn about your own attachment style There are four main attachment styles as well as associated thoughts-behaviors. Learning your own empowers you to spot trends in your relationship history which makes it easier to make plans to break unhelpful patterns. To learn about different attachment styles see here . Examine your be

Aligning With Abundance: Embracing The Summer Solstice

The summer solstice arrives today, marking a turning point not just on our calendars but in the subtle hum of the cosmos. As the Earth reaches its maximum tilt towards the sun, we in the Northern Hemisphere experience the year's longest day, a time steeped in symbolism and ripe with esoteric potential. This celestial event isn't merely a prelude to long, lazy days by the pool; it's a potent surge of solar energy believed by many (including myself), to amplify intention, heighten intuition, and illuminate new pathways for growth. Today I'm sharing my favorite traditions and rituals that I practice to honor the energetic power of the Sun. Celebrating The Longest Day Of The Year Walking in nature, foraging Take a walk in nature to connect with the earth. Collect flowers, herbs, or stones that you find along the way, with respect to the environment. Take the time out to connect with your bare feet (or hands if needed) to the earth and visualize the sun pouring beautiful gol

7 Reasons To Include Affirmations In Your Daily Routine

  What Daily Affirmations Are Affirmations are short, positive statements that are repeated regularly to encourage a focused and optimistic outlook. People use affirmations as a tool to influence their thoughts and beliefs, which can positively impact their emotions, behaviors, and overall mindset. Imagine sprinkling sunshine on your thoughts each morning. That's the power of positive affirmations! These little bursts of positivity can help you bloom with confidence and chase away negativity's gray clouds. Plus, to do this is so simple and yet so effective!  7 Reasons To Try Daily Affirmations  Increased Self-Confidence Regular use of affirmations can boost self-confidence and self-esteem. Affirmations that focus on one's strengths and capabilities can help reinforce a more positive self-image. Positive Reprogramming  Affirmations can help rewire the brain to think more positively. By repeatedly stating positive thoughts, people can start to override negative or limiting be

Bringing Awareness: Self-Regulation

  What Self-Regulation Is Self-regulation is the ability to manage one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in various situations. This involves controlling impulses, maintaining focus, and adapting to changing circumstances to achieve personal goals. It encompasses emotional regulation (managing feelings), cognitive regulation (controlling thoughts and focus), and behavioral regulation (guiding actions and reactions). Key Components Include: Self-awareness Recognizing our own thoughts and emotions. Self monitoring  Tracking and assessing one's behavior and performance. Self-control Managing impulses and delaying gratification. Problem solving Identifying and implementing strategies to overcome obstacles. Goal setting  Establishing clear and achievable objectives. Adaptability  Adjusting to new information or changing conditions. When working on ourselves, self-regulation is an imperative part to becoming the best version of ourselves. Being able to effectively self-

7 Reasons To Try Something New

  "Embrace the unfamiliar; it's the doorway to your greatest discoveries." When you get into a routine, sometimes you forget the importance of trying new things. The days become easy. They might even become a blur, and you may not remember anything from one day to the next. You may feel as if you lack any creativity at all. Doing new things interrupts your routine and brings new life into your day. It can also do so much more for us!  7 Reasons To Try Something New Dealing with failure When you do more things, you will experience more failure. This may be frightening and a reason you have chosen not to do new things. However, failure, when you try, is something you can learn from. Remember, you are experiencing failure right now if you’re not doing new things. You might as well do new things so that you’ll learn more. Experience more success It’s all in the numbers. If you experience more failure, the numbers say that you’re also going to experience more success. You can

Unlocking Your Full Potential: 5 Goals For Personal Fulfillment

  When we hear about goals, they often sound like something that changes year to year, and frequently has to do with money or weight loss. Don't get me wrong goals like that are important, and fulfilling! But for this I'm focusing on five goals that we should all work towards every day. This article will cover the five most necessary goals for personal fulfillment which can ultimately help you reach your full potential and achieve any other goals you have. 5 Daily Goals We All Need Integrity  From business to interpersonal relationships, when you live life with honesty and commitment to ethical values, you’ll find that a rewarding sense of wholeness awaits you. Integrity is a goal that will help you feel like you’re making the world a better place with your presence.  "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." – Zig Ziglar True Happiness  Happiness is not really a destination as much as it is a state of mind.

Bringing Awareness: Radical Acceptance

  What radical acceptance is Radical acceptance is a concept originating from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). It involves acknowledging and accepting life's difficulties and unpleasant realities as they are, without judgment or a desire to change them. It's about recognizing that some things are outside our control, and struggling against them only increases suffering. Radical acceptance is a key skill for managing distress and fostering emotional well-being. By accepting what is, we can move forward with greater clarity and focus on what we can control, such as our reactions and responses. Radical acceptance serves as a therapeutic strategy to address willfulness by encouraging us to adopt a different approach to difficult circumstances. 10 Ways To Practice Radical Acceptance  1. Embrace your feelings. Allow yourself to feel whatever you're experiencing without judgment or criticism. 2. Focus on the present. Direct your attention to the here and now, letting go of worr

Myths About Yoga Debunked!

What yoga is - Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India, encompassing a holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The word "yoga" is derived from Sanskrit, meaning union or connection, emphasizing the integration of mind and body. What yoga is not - Yoga is a practice that's often shrouded in misconceptions. In Western cultures, yoga is sometimes portrayed as a trendy fitness routine or a social activity. This really downplays the practice's traditional emphasis on self-discovery and spiritual growth.  Common Yoga Myths: Myth: Yoga is only for flexible people. Reality: Yoga is for everyone, regardless of your fitness level or flexibility. There are modifications for all poses, and the practice itself can help you improve your flexibility over time. Myth: Yoga is just stretching. Reality: Yoga is a holistic practice that incorporates physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation. It can improve your stren

Are You Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose?

What does fulfilling your life's purpose mean?  For me, I think to create a life that makes you smile in the simplest of moments, is so much more than to have one that appears glamorous on social media. Make choices that make me feel lighter, even when they go against what society has told me what I "should" be doing.  I try to seek out those that I can admire and inspire me, even though doing this has required starting over, different chapters in my life seem to need a fresh start to actually be a different chapter. "Each day is a new opportunity to step closer to your true purpose and to live a life filled with passion and meaning." Here are four ways to recognize when your not fulfilling your true life's purpose:  1. You have an unsettling, off feeling. That unshakable feeling that something just isn't right or you feel unfulfilled in what you do is a direct indication that your true purpose is still out there waiting for you to find it. 2. You aren&#

Life Hack: 10 Ways To Build Resilience

 Life Hack: 10 Ways To Build Resilience As you may know, I'm on my journey, awakening and finding my true highest self. While venturing down my path, I've found the thing I've needed more than anything is resilience. Like going within and healing yourself from the inside out is one of the hardest things I have ever done. At the same time it's also the most rewarding thing I've ever done for myself.  Building resilience on a spiritual journey is essential for navigating any challenges that will come, especially since while looking within you tend to find that it's YOU who is to blame in many situations. Now please don't take that the wrong way, I just simply mean we are all in control of our own thoughts , feelings, and emotions and therefore our lives. So, to help with maintaining inner peace, here are ten ways to enhance your resilience within a spiritual context: 1. Develop Mindfulness  Practice mindfulness meditation to stay present in the moment and obse

Bringing Awareness: Social Anxiety

  What Social Anxiety Is Social anxiety is a mental health condition characterized by intense fear or anxiety about social situations and interactions. People with social anxiety may worry excessively about being judged, embarrassed, or rejected by others. This fear can be so overwhelming that it interferes with their ability to engage in everyday activities, such as speaking in public, meeting new people, or attending social gatherings. Social anxiety can significantly impact one's quality of life and may lead to avoidance behaviors to cope with the distress it causes. Symptoms  Symptoms of social anxiety can vary in severity but may include: Intense fear of social situations or performance situations. Avoidance of social activities or interactions. Physical symptoms like sweating, trembling, or rapid heartbeat in social situations. Fear of being judged, embarrassed, or humiliated in front of others. Difficulty making eye contact or speaking in social situations. Negative self-tal

Bringing Awareness: Coping Strategies

Coping mechanisms are strategies or behaviors that people use to deal with stress, challenges, or difficult emotions. These can be adaptive or maladaptive. Adaptive coping mechanisms help individuals manage stress in healthy ways, such as seeking social support, practicing relaxation techniques, or engaging in hobbies. Maladaptive coping mechanisms, on the other hand, may provide temporary relief but can ultimately be harmful, such as substance abuse, avoidance, or self-harm. Effective coping mechanisms can vary from person to person and may change over time. It's best to identify maladaptive coping mechanisms so you can identify, and adjust to healthier strategies.  Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms  Social withdrawal Over-sleeping Over-eating sweet or fatty foods Mindlessly watching the TV without caring what you watch Using medication to relax you Smoking Drinking too much alcohol Taking out stress on others (eg, in arguments or furious outbursts) I will now go into adaptive coping

Bringing Awareness: Attachment Styles

Attachment styles are patterns of behavior and beliefs that we develop in childhood based on our relationships with those who cared for us. Attachment styles significantly impact our daily lives by influencing how we relate to others and navigate relationships. Understanding the dynamics of each attachment style, can help foster more fulfilling and supportive connections in our everyday lives. There are typically four main attachment styles: Secure Attachment  People with this style feel comfortable with intimacy and independence in relationships. They are able to express their needs well and trust their partners which leads to them finding relationships that are fulfilling. They feel secure when close to their partner, but also function well on their own. Points Of Importance  Committed but independent  Attentive, affectionate and accepting  Able to handle and resolve conflict Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment  People with this style often worry about their partner's feelings for the

The Unveiled Subconscious Mind

 The Unveiled Subconscious Mind "The subconscious mind is like a vast ocean beneath the surface, influencing our thoughts, actions, and perceptions without us even realizing it." The human mind is a complex and multifaceted entity, with the conscious and subconscious minds working in tandem to shape our thoughts, behaviors, and experiences. While our conscious mind deals with our immediate awareness and logical reasoning ( see part 1 Unveiling The Conscious Mind here ), it is the subconscious mind that often operates beneath the surface, influencing our lives in extensive ways. In this exploration, I'll take you into the mysterious realm of the human subconscious mind, understanding its functions, significance, and the impact it has on our daily lives. How It Works Information Processing: The subconscious mind is like a vast database, constantly collecting and storing information from our experiences, thoughts, and emotions. It plays a critical role in processing and orga

The Unveiled Conscious Mind

 The Unveiled Conscious Mind "Your conscious mind is the architect of your reality, shaping the world according to your thoughts and beliefs." The conscious mind is the window through which we perceive the world around us, think, reason, and make decisions. It is the forefront of our awareness, the part of our mental processes that we actively engage with on a daily basis. In the realm of psychology, understanding the conscious mind is a fundamental pursuit, as it sheds light on our thoughts, behaviors, and the way we experience reality. In this exploration, I'm diving into the depths of the conscious mind, its functions, significance, and the role it plays in shaping our lives. To Define The Conscious Mind, The conscious mind is the aspect of our mental functioning that involves our immediate awareness. It includes the thoughts, perceptions, and sensations that are currently within our attention. It is like the spotlight of our mental stage, illuminating the thoughts and

Developing Mindfulness

Developing Mindfulness  Ok so if you are like me and working on yourself, you've probably seen over and over again is to be mindful. Mindfulness involves having a deep sense of awareness and acceptance of our own thoughts, feelings and surroundings without judgement. People typically develop mindfulness through practices like meditation, deep breathing, and focusing on the present moment.  Regular practice helps to strengthen mindfulness skills over time. I've found the most effective mindfulness practices for myself are: Meditation  Focusing attention on the breath, body sensations, or a specific object. (See here for more on meditation) Deep Breathing Exercises  Inhaling and exhaling slowly to calm the mind and body. Body Scanning Bringing awareness to different parts of the body, noticing sensations without judgment. Mindful Walking Paying attention to each step, the sensations of movement, and the surrounding environment. Loving Kindness Meditation  Developing feelings of c