Bringing Awareness: Coping Strategies

Coping mechanisms are strategies or behaviors that people use to deal with stress, challenges, or difficult emotions. These can be adaptive or maladaptive. Adaptive coping mechanisms help individuals manage stress in healthy ways, such as seeking social support, practicing relaxation techniques, or engaging in hobbies. Maladaptive coping mechanisms, on the other hand, may provide temporary relief but can ultimately be harmful, such as substance abuse, avoidance, or self-harm. Effective coping mechanisms can vary from person to person and may change over time.

It's best to identify maladaptive coping mechanisms so you can identify, and adjust to healthier strategies. 

Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms 

  • Social withdrawal
  • Over-sleeping
  • Over-eating sweet or fatty foods
  • Mindlessly watching the TV without caring what you watch
  • Using medication to relax you
  • Smoking
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Taking out stress on others (eg, in arguments or furious outbursts)

I will now go into adaptive coping strategies  that can be adopted into your regular routines or also for just in times of need. 

Adaptive Coping Strategies 

Physical Coping Ideas

  • Be physically active
  • Dance to your favorite song to the store instead of driving
  • If you have pets take them for a walk, or if not maybe borrow a neighbor's dog or a friends
  • Take the stairs every time there's an option
  • Find an exercise buddy, and go to classes together

Engaging in regular physical activity not only boosts your physical health but also enhances your mental well-being, providing a natural outlet for stress relief. Remember, taking care of your body is an act of self-love and compassion. By honoring your physical well-being through healthy coping mechanisms, you empower yourself to thrive and live life to the fullest.

Social Coping Ideas

  • Build and maintain relationships 
  • Ask a colleague to lunch
  • Call, text or email an old friend to catch up
  • Invite your exercise buddy for a walk and a chat. Try to schedule weekly meetups with at least one friend
  • Get to know new people by signing up for an evening class or joining a club
  • Consider volunteer work, which not only counteracts loneliness but also allows you to give back to the world in a way that's good for everyone involved 
Remember, reaching out for support is a sign of strength, not weakness. Building and maintaining supportive relationships with friends, family, and community members provides a vital network of encouragement, empathy, and understanding during challenging times.

Mindset Shift Coping Ideas 

  • Change your attitude 
  • Think positive thoughts and say positive things
  • Stop overthinking every single thing
  • Set "worry periods-only allow yourself to stress out for a short period of time a day instead of the whole day long
  • Deliberately reframe life's challenges-ask yourself what opportunities they might present 
  • Make a gratitude list what are you thankful for?
  • Find lessons
  • Engage in active problem-solving
  • Avoid perfectionism. Set yourself realistic, practical goals
  • Put your problems into perspective will you really care about the present difficulty in a month, or a year?

Believe in your ability to adapt and overcome obstacles with resilience and determination. Trust in your inner strength and positivity to guide you through any storm, emerging stronger and wiser on the other side.

Solo Coping Ideas 

  • Meditate
  • Walk in a naturally beautiful setting
  • Interact with an animal
  • Book yourself a massage
  • Read a good book
  • Watch a comedy
  • Make a cup of herbal tea
  • Keep a journal
  • Have a hot bath with relaxing essential oils

Coping with stress or any situation that is hard on us is never easy, remember to take time for self-reflection and mindfulness exercises to understand your emotions better and gain clarity on your thoughts. Always remember to be kind to yourself as you make your way through whatever storm, with the knowing you can make it through anything! 

When something happens that's tragic or unexpected, which is not something we can avoid, it's a great idea to embrace healthy coping mechanisms. I promise they will prove to be essential tools in your life so you can face challenges with resilience and strength. Challenge negative thought patterns by practicing cognitive reframing techniques to cultivate a more positive and adaptive mindset. Remember that building healthy coping mechanisms takes time and patience, so be gentle with yourself throughout the process.

-Peace, love and light ✨

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