What Is The Ego?

 What Is The Ego?


Have you heard anyone say,

things like "he's got a big ego" or, "that's your ego talking"? I have but I never really put much thought into what the ego is until I started my journey of introspection and started to take a good look at myself and my own ego. Now that I know, it's much easier for me to stay mindful about my thoughts and feelings so I thought I'd share what I've learned. 

Definition of the human ego

It is a fundamental aspect of our personalities. It is a complex and multifaceted component that serves essential functions in regulating thoughts, emotions and behaviours. 

How it works

It's that portion of the human personality which is experienced as the “self” or “I” and is in contact with the external world through perception. Also known as the filter we use to see the world around us. It is a collection of beliefs, desires, fantasies, ideas and fears from the past. All of which we meticulously put together in our mind to create an identity for ourselves in order to face the future. It is exactly what blocks us from seeing life as it is and being in the present moment. 

The ego is not always about awesomeness or bragging to friends (or anyone who listens). It can also be a negative narrative about yourself. It creates fake scenarios about things in an attempt to shield you from pain. This however, is not helpful to your soul, or your mind. You will be judgemental and have negative expectations about life and your relationships. You truly could be feeling worthless, as a failure or any other negative emotions. Your ego is the very thing that could be keeping you from finding inner peace.

Things to know about your ego:

  • Your ego mind is ADDICTED to excitement (drama).
  •  Your ego mind's GAME is confusion, and it uses it in many different ways to try to make you forget that you have God-like powers.
  •  Your ego mind's ENERGY Source is F.E.A.R. (F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal - illusion and delusion)!
  • Your ego mind is the protective “SKIN” of your soul on the earth plane.
  • Your ego mind is your unconscious defender (a body guard or defense attorney, if you will), and its PRIMARY JOB is to help you survive any time you don’t feel safe, sane, or secure whether your feelings are real or imagined.
  • Your Ego Mind makes the UNIMPORTANT, IMPORTANT AND THE IMPORTANT, UNIMPORTANT, which can keep you stuck in the dramas of life by having you major in the minors and minor in the majors (especially as it pertains to the evolution of your immortal soul).

The ego your mind has made to protect itself will lie time and time again thinking that it's protecting you because it worked at a time. Your 'trauma' or 'ego' is lying to you, but it knows nothing but what it's endured. When you are ready, and start to heal, and I mean truly heal, it's going to be uncomfortable for a moment but don't worry, you have survived through it already. Know that you don't have to carry any of it anymore.

Keys To Ego Work

Don't Take Things Personally 

Our ego thrives on pain, conflict, and being offended. Choose love and empathy. Other people's actions, are a projection of their own ego. Avoid the ego battles.


Our ego loves to be right and holds us back with grudges and pain. Forgiveness is not forgetting, it is HEALING. Let yourself heal. For more on forgiveness, see here.

Let go and observe

Our ego loves being right needs to be seen and heard. Let go of its need for control. Let go of the ego's need for validation. Let go of judgements or being 'superior'. Observe how quickly your life can and will start to change and the peace you will find, seeing the world not through your ego's eyes, but through your true self. 

Learning about my own ego and the roles it plays it my life, has been one of the most important, if not THE most important aspects of my healing journey. Being able to finally understand that my own mind will, in fact, lie to me in hopes of protecting me, truly helps me to explore reasons behind my own reactions and feelings. It's also helped me to understand others when in conflict, to better understand their feelings and see things from their perspective. I hope with all my heart the information I'm sharing will be as helpful to you as it has been to me, as always, sending peace, love and light soul family ✨

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