Manipulation Tactics

Manipulation Tactics

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ The following are extremely harmful and damaging to one's mental and emotional well being. 

Being able to recognize these tactics are the first step in protecting oneself from being manipulated.

"Overcoming manipulation begins with recognizing the tactics employed by manipulators."

Gas lighting Definition:

When someone seeks to make another doubt their own perception, memories, or sanity.

How it works:

Denial that certain events occured, insisting the victim is imagining things, shifting blame and lie that bag. minimizing the victims feelings and experiences. Goal being to gain power and control over someone by causing them to question their reality and become dependent on the abusers version of events.

Emotional Manipulation Definition:

This involves using tactics to exploit or control someone's emotions.

How it works:

Tactics that are often used are playing the victim, making exaggerated claims, withholding affection, employing passive-aggressive behaviour, and using the insecurities or fears of another. Goal being to elicit an emotional response often to gain sympathy, attention, or to get the victim to do something against their will. 

Silent Treatment Definition:

When someone uses communication (lack of) as a form of punishment or control.

How it works:

Someone stops speaking without explanation, leaving the victim feeling isolated, anxious, and desperate for attention. The goal of this is to make the victim feel guilty or fearful so the abuser can gain compliance or control of the situation.

Love Bombing Definition:

When a person showers another with excessive affection, attention, and compliments in early stages of a relationship.

How it works:

An intense emotional connection is formed (for the victim) which can lead to being emotionally dependant. The goal with this being to establish control over the victims emotions and create a sense of obligation or loyalty.

Triangulation Definition:

When someone brings a third party either into a relationship or conflict.

How it works:

Someone might flirt with someone else, compare one to others, or use a third party to undermine the victims self-esteem. Goal being to create jealousy, insecurity or competition, and create confusion to maintain control over the relationship.

Projection Definition:

A defense mechanism where one attributes their own negative qualities, feelings or behaviours onto someone else.

How it works:

Someone will accuse their victim of things they are doing themselves, deflecting attention away from their own short comings. The goal is to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and to manipulate the victim into feeling guilty or confused.

In the face of manipulation, remember that your strength lies not in what others try to make you believe, but in your ability to discern truth from deceit. Every challenge you encounter is an opportunity to reaffirm your autonomy and resilience. Embrace your inner power to set boundaries, prioritize your well-being, and navigate through the manipulative tactics with grace and wisdom. Your journey towards liberation from manipulation is a testament to your courage and unwavering determination. Trust in your instincts, lean on your support system, and know that through perseverance, you will emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before. Please reach out for help if you or someone you know is in a dangerous situation. Sending peace, love, and light soul family ✨

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