Intuition: The Internal Compass

Intuition: The Internal Compass

What The Intuition Is

Intuition is a subconscious process where you understand or know something without conscious reasoning. It's often described as a gut feeling or instinctual understanding that guides decision-making or problem-solving.

Some people rely heavily on intuition in their decision-making, while others prefer to rely on logic and reasoning. It's a fascinating aspect of human cognition that continues to be studied in psychology and neuroscience. 

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein

Intuition is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person, you should never make a full decision on little or no information. But most times in life, every bit of information is not readily available and this is where your intuition can really help. If you feel major hesitation but logically it sounds fine, diving in head first might not be best.

Intuition can feel like pings in your heart, butterflies in your stomach, epiphanies in dreams, even wild and crazy ideas. The intuition is like being able to see through the eyes of the soul. This is very different than the eyes of our conditioned self or ego self. Intuition is the divine encoding of your infinite essence that is always guiding you, every moment, whether you are conscious of it or not.

"Trust your intuition. You don't need to explain or justify it; trust that it knows what's best for you."

Pay attention to how you feel in situations and around others. If you are drawn to something without clear reason, either it's the right thing or there is a lesson for you to learn from it. Each of us have a responsibility in life to follow our highest resonance, to do so we must all begin to heal, individually and collectively. Healing is a journey and at times a very dark one but your light is your power and your intuition your internal compass. Learn to trust and build your intuitive strengths, it will make your path clearer and easier to find.

Ways To Strengthen Intuition

Lucid dreaming, meditation, connecting with nature, and pay attention to signs! Most of all - trust your gut, LISTEN when your soul speaks, it's always either telling you when something or someone is right or giving warning that's it's wrong. 

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