Words To Avoid When Manifesting



When you say I don't want something, you're focusing on something you don't want rather than something you do want. Instead of saying I don't. affirm what you desire by saying I do.


When you say something can't happen, your are focused on what you don't want rather than what you do. Instead of saying can't, call in what you desire by saying can.


Your external reality is a direct reflection of your inner state. Frame your affirmations using I or me, so they revolve around your own thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Going To

The phrase going to implies something is going to happen in the future, but it is not happening now. Instead of saying going to, affirm the desire in the present by saying am, is, or are.


Wish implies a lack of certainty in the outcome. You hope something will happen, but you're not really sure. Express your certainty in your manifestation by saying know.


Need implies an attachment to a specific outcome. When you're unwilling to let go of the outcome, your energy is controlling and fearful.


The word must implies resistance to other creative possibilities Whe let go of what you think you become open to receiving L the highest good for all.


The word will implies an occurrence in the future, but the key to manifesting is to act and feel as if you have already manifested your desire.


The word maybe implies that you're not really sure what you want. And if you don't know what you want, it will be impossible for you to achieve vibrational alignment with your desire.

While this word may seem harmless, you're actually giving attention to what you don't want. When you focus on the lack of something, you're giving attention to it and attracting more of that lack into your reality.

When manifesting, I've found it best to speak or write as if you already have what it is that you desire. Speak in the present tense as if it's already happened and how remarkable it is. Happy Manifesting! For more tips on manifestation, see here.

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