Universal Laws


Law Of Divine Oneness

"The law of unity: We are all connected."

We are all connected. To understand this is to be more compassionate towards others. We all have the same abilities to make mistakes just as we have the same abilities to achieve greatness. 

Law Of Vibration

"Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality."

Everything is in constant motion. The people we meet and the objects we hold are all vibrating at their own frequency and, we must match the frequencies of what we desire in order to obtain them. 

Law Of Correspondence

"The law of correspondence: As above, so below."

Our lives are created by our daily subconscious patterns, in order to change we must understand which thoughts and patterns are holding us back. 

Law Of Attraction

"The law of attraction: Like attracts like."

Put simply, if your focus more on things you do want, rather then things you don't want or have, the universe will deliver. Positive thoughts = positive life or negative thoughts = negative life. You can only attract what you think, feel and act as. 

Law Of Inspired Action

"You harness the power of the universe to manifest your dreams with inspired action."

The universe will present many opportunities, listen to inner guidance and take the necessary steps and actions to attain what you've asked for. 

Law Of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

"The law of perpetual transmutation of energy: Energy is constantly changing forms."

Situations will come up that give low vibrational frequency such as anger or sadness. Both are valid emotions and are meant to be felt in their entirety but not meant to take over. Remember your power and get back to positive frequency.

Law Of Cause and Effect

"The law of cause and effect: Every action has a reaction."

Also known as Karma - whatever put out into the universe will be returned, good and bad.

Law Of Compensation

"The law of compensation: You reap what you sow."

Positive efforts never go unnoticed, you must be open to the limitless forms of rewards the Universe has to give.

Law Of Relativity

"Everything is relative; nothing is good or bad, big or small, until we compare it to something else."

Not one situation is better or worse than another, until up for comparison. Be grateful for what you have without comparing to others.

Law Of Polarity

"The law of polarity: Everything has an opposite."

Everything has a polar opposite. Taking what did not work in a situation, apply new, opposing methods the next time around. Use all experiences as learning ones.

Law Of Rhythm

"The law of rhythm: Everything flows in and out."

Life is a neverending cycle. Embrace each moment, don't miss a beat.

Law Of Gender

"Embrace both masculine and feminine energies within yourself and the world around you."

We are made of two major types of energy - masculine and feminine. Allow room for both within yourself, find the balance that suits you best. 

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