
Stress Management

  Keep in mind stress isn't a bad thing - Stress motivates us to work towards solving our problems. Reframing our thoughts to view stress as an acceptable emotion, or as a tool, has been found to reduce many of the negative symptoms associated with it. The goal is to manage stress, not try to eliminate it. Talk about your problems, even if they won't be solved -  Talking about your stressors- even if you don't solve them - releases hormones in your body that reduce the negative feelings associated with stress. Prioritize your responsibilities - Focus on completing quick tasks first. Having too many ‘to-do’s’ can be stressful even if none of them are big. Quickly knocking out the small tasks will clear up your mind to focus on larger responsibilities. Focus on the basics - Stress can start a harmful cycle where basic needs are neglected which leads to more stress. Make it a point to include your basic needs as being important. Keep things in perspective -   In the heat of th

Meditation Mastery - Types and Tips For You To Explore

  There are several types of meditation, each with its own unique approach and focus. Here's an overview of some common types of meditation and guidance on how to start practicing each one: Mindfulness Meditation Mindfulness meditation involves bringing your attention to the present moment, observing your thoughts, sensations, and emotions without judgment. To start practicing mindfulness meditation:  Find a quiet and comfortable space. Sit in a comfortable position, either on a cushion or a chair, with your back straight. Close your eyes or keep them gently focused on a spot in front of you. Direct your attention to your breath, noticing the sensations of inhalation and exhalation. When your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to the breath without judgment. Start with short sessions, around 5-10 minutes, and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable. Loving-Kindness Meditation Loving-kindness meditation involves cultivating feelings of love, compassion

5 Top Ways To Stay Motivated In Business

  If you own your own business or are an entrepreneur, you can often be faced with challenges that strike down your motivation to go on. But here are a few ways you can reign in the troops and find the gumption to keep going. 1. Define your core values.  Core values encapsulated in a mission statement will guide your company through times good and bad by helping you find direction and bringing you through turbulent times. “Making money” is not a goal that’s sure to keep you motivated when clients aren’t coming, but “delivering sustainable sources of energy” or something similarly specific will help you stay motivated towards a goal that forms the bigger picture. 2. Take a look at the checkpoints.  There may be a gap between your desired results and the actual results of what’s happened so far because your goal is monolithic and too far into the future. Take a look at smaller components to get a more accurate picture of how things are progressing, which will also bolster your motivation

Recognizing Defensive Behavior

People often resort to defensive behavior when their beliefs are challenged, instinctively guarding against perceived threats to their self-image. Unconsciously, people might employ dismissive remarks or deflective humor to shield themselves from criticism or vulnerability. In social settings, some may engage in preemptive justifications to ward off potential judgment. Subtle body language cues, like crossed arms or defensive postures, can also manifest as protective mechanisms during interactions.  Now I'll list 6 defense mechanisms most people use daily, some without knowing they are defensive actions. 1. Denial Sometimes an event or circumstance is so incredibly devastating, we just tune it out, and don’t even know we’re doing it. You can become aware of your denial when other people around you call something to your attention. 2. Repression This is sort of like denial, but it involves burying a thought of feeling deep inside, where it tends to come out in other ways. For examp

Best Self-Care Tips For Busy People

  Finding time to invest in self-care can be challenging, especially when you live an extra busy life. When your days are spent bouncing between work, family and social commitments, there can be little time left to catch your breath let alone take time to care for your physical, mental and emotional health. If you are struggling to find time left for self-care, try these four tips to incorporate great self-care habits into your routine and live your life to the fullest. 1. Establish A Morning Routine   Starting the day right is a good way to ensure your mental and physical health is maintained. This might include a healthy breakfast, daily exercise or meditation; figure out what works for you and implement it daily. Over time this will become a habit, helping you to take some time for self-care every day. 2. Take Time Off (schedule YOURSELF in) It can be easy to find yourself in a cycle of continuous activity, moving from one activity to the next until it seems you are just going throu

What If


Finding Optimism

Image’s a four syllable word that can be harder to find than diamonds in South Africa. But believe it or not, you too can tap into the earth of your surroundings and dig up a rich store of feel-good. Here are a few ways to do that. Find laughter.  These days, it isn’t hard to find. With Youtube and social media, there is not shortage of memes, videos, vines, and more to get you crack-a-lackin. You could also rent a funny movie, watch stand up comedy, or hangout with funny people. Laughter will lead you to smiling, and smiling will lead you to feeling good. Which brings us to our next point… Turn the frown upside down.  It’s hard to believe that something as smiling can improve your mood, but studies have linked outward acts of happiness to an internal shift. Practice by looking in the mirror and smiling, even it if feels cheesy, stupid, and inauthentic. Hold your smile for a minute, two minutes, five minutes...see how long you can go. Start the day off with a smile, and make