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The Rundown On Limiting Beliefs

  The Rundown On Limiting Beliefs Do you ever feel like there's something holding you back from achieving your full potential? It's possible that you've developed limiting beliefs, which are beliefs about yourself or the world that keep you from striving towards self-improvement. Unfortunately, these limiting beliefs often stem from hurtful comments made by people we care about. Maybe someone said something negative about you when you were younger, and now you feel like you're "not good enough" or "unattractive." It's important to understand that everyone has limiting beliefs, and it's not your fault that you have them. But by recognizing them and working to overcome them, you can start to live your life to the fullest. It's understandable to feel discouraged when negative thoughts consume your mind. Believing in yourself is crucial to achieving success, but it can be difficult to maintain that belief when you're struggling with self-

Navigating Difficult Conversations

Navigating Difficult Conversations When engaging in conversations, it's crucial to approach them constructively. This means leading with empathy, being clear about your intentions, and choosing a neutral setting. Keep in mind that addressing issues and fostering long-term understanding sometimes requires short-term discomfort. By embracing this discomfort, we can pave the way for constructive and meaningful conversations that lead to progress. Some tips to help you embrace these conversations follow: Time and place matter.  To ensure a meaningful conversation, it's important to select the right time and place. Search for a peaceful and private setting where you can talk without any interruptions. It's essential to choose a time that works for both of you so that you can give your undivided attention to the discussion. By thoughtfully selecting the time and place, you can create an environment that fosters constructive communication. Be empathetic. To build a better connecti

7 Ways to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior

7 Ways to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior   We often tend to believe that our biggest obstacles in life are external factors such as a nagging partner, a domineering boss, or an aggressive driver on the road. However, the truth is that we frequently engage in self-sabotaging behaviors that hold us back. To put an end to this self-defeating behavior, here are a few helpful tips. 1. Take the L.   It's important to not always be fixated on winning. While it's nice to come out on top, constantly striving for victory can lead to foolish decisions and wasteful behavior. Sometimes it's better to accept defeat and gain valuable insights from the experience. Winning isn't everything, and it's wise to prioritize learning over always being the winner. 2. Pleasing Everyone Doesn't Work. It's important to accept that you can't please everyone. Attempting to make everyone happy all the time can lead to self-defeating behavior, which can be detrimental to your health

The Art Of Channelling - A Conscious Shift Or Unexplained Phenomena?

The Art Of Channelling - A Conscious Shift Or Unexplained Phenomena? Channeling is a concept that has been explored and discussed in various spiritual and metaphysical traditions. I personally believe everyone of us have psychic abilities, not everyone is open to this though. Most of us are conditioned to believe these types of things are simply just not real. So I feel it's important to note that scientific studies specifically focusing on channeling are limited, as channeling experiences are subjective and difficult to measure through traditional scientific methods.  Nevertheless, there are scientific theories and research that can offer some insights related to channeling 'phenomena'. Here are some examples: Altered States Of Consciousness Channeling experiences often involve altered states of consciousness, where individuals claim to connect with higher beings, receive information, or access expanded knowledge. Studies on altered states of consciousness, such as meditat

Self-Reflection And Tarot

Self-Reflection And Tarot   Using tarot cards for self-reflection is a valuable and insightful practice. So many believe that tarot is some kind of fortune-teller type of nonsense. Those who do, could not be more wrong as far as I'm concerned! Tarot has changed my life and I now use my gifts, along with Tarot to help others in their journey with insightful confirmations about the energies surrounding them.  The following are my suggestions to you, and how I use Tarot in my personal life for insight and self-reflection: Set Your Intention    - Before starting a self-reflection tarot reading, set a clear intention. What aspect of your life or self are you looking to explore or gain insight into? Be specific about your question or focus. Choose a Comfortable Space:    - Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can concentrate without distractions. Light a candle or incense if it helps you create a serene atmosphere. Shuffle and Draw Cards:    - Shuffle the tarot deck while concent