
Showing posts from December, 2023

Self-Reflection And Tarot

Self-Reflection And Tarot   Using tarot cards for self-reflection is a valuable and insightful practice. So many believe that tarot is some kind of fortune-teller type of nonsense. Those who do, could not be more wrong as far as I'm concerned! Tarot has changed my life and I now use my gifts, along with Tarot to help others in their journey with insightful confirmations about the energies surrounding them.  The following are my suggestions to you, and how I use Tarot in my personal life for insight and self-reflection: Set Your Intention    - Before starting a self-reflection tarot reading, set a clear intention. What aspect of your life or self are you looking to explore or gain insight into? Be specific about your question or focus. Choose a Comfortable Space:    - Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can concentrate without distractions. Light a candle or incense if it helps you create a serene atmosphere. Shuffle and Draw Cards:    - S...

Positive Vibes


15 Powerful Ways to Reconstruct a Negative Mindset

S hifting one’s perspective from a negative to a positive outlook is one of the most transformative changes a person can undertake in life. This shift not only enhances overall well-being but also enriches one’s outlook on various aspects of life, promoting resilience and optimism.  While such a transformation demands time, patience, and persistent effort, it is an attainable goal for anyone who is dedicated to the journey of self-improvement. The process often involves identifying and challenging ingrained thought patterns, replacing self-limiting beliefs with empowering affirmations, and actively seeking out positive experiences.  As you begin to reconstruct your thinking, you may find that even small changes in perspective can lead to significant improvements in your mood and mental clarity. Ultimately, this journey towards a more positive mindset opens up new paths for joy, fulfillment, and personal growth, making life not only more enjoyable but also more meaningful. Here...